Kay this is it, the last chapter. Thanx for reading. Please excuse the
Zel/Lina thing. Gomen Ruri-chan. I know you don't like your little Zel-kun to
be paired with peeps besides you, but it could be worse. It could be Amelia.(Noooooooooo! My Zely! MINE!!!)
And besides he doesn't get married or anything. My Xel-kun has a family! (We
aren't really this insane, it's the Rezos. The Rezos made us do it.) Well
that's it for my insane ramblings. On with the fic.
p.s. Remember the 2 Z(X)els rule!
"It's no use. The Ressurection* isn't working. I don't know why."
"L-sama no. Please Lina, wake up! You can't die." The petite sorceress
was still and cold, her eyes closed, not breathing. Zelgadis looked up at the
sky. "Lord of Nightmares**, you could grant her life!"
For a few minutes, nothing happened. Then, a soft green light* gathered
around Lina. She floated up and was stood on her feet. She wavered for a
second, then her eyes snapped open. They were blank and empty***, no longer
showing any emotion.
"You wish me to grant this human life, chimera? Why do you ask this of
me? You realize that if I wish it, I could destroy you,quite
painfully,without so much as blinking an eye. That if I was angered I could
easily destroy all on this island, even the immortal mazoku? So why do you
dare call me forth?"****
"Please, I-I love her."
'Lina' chuckled. "Very good chimera. I wasn't sure you'd ever admit your
feelings. I will give this servant of mine life. I have something for you as
well." She gestured, and a pillar of light surrounded Zelgadis. When it was
gone Zelgadis just stood there, unsure of what had just happened. A small
gray rock, with hints of lavender and aqua in it floated in the air in front
of him. "Go on, take it." A sly smile was on her face.
Zelgadis reached out and gasped.
"I'm-I'm human. You-"
"Yes, yes I returned you to normal. That stone has a special purpose. You
are stronger in this form, therefore I have given you the power to shift back
and forth. That rock is like a place to store your other form when you're
using the other one. When you wish to become a chimera, simply hold the rock
and concentrate on yor chimeric form. To become human, concentrate on that."
"Thank you."
'Lina' nodded, and the green glow dissappeared. Her eyes went back to
normal, and she fell to her knees.
"Lina! Are you okay?" Zelgadis knelt beside her.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just overdid it a little on that sp- Zel!?! You're
human! What happened after Ryuuko and I cast our spells? Where is Ryuuko?"
"Lina, umm... Ryuuko's...well-" Zelgadis was cut off by an explosion.
"Yare yare*****. How'd that happen, Zely?"
"Ryuuko!?! How-"
"Baka******. I told you I'd be fine. I cast a warding spell to hold back
the lava, then blasted my way out. Don't worry, the tunnel filled in with
fresh lava. Chaos Demon's not gettin out."
"Great! Everyone's okay. Now let's go back to that nice little sea-port
town. They have an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet, and I'm starving."
"Have fun everyone. I won't be coming." Everyone turned to stare at
"But Ryuuko, why not?"
"I need to be on my own for a while. I need to find where I belong."
"What do you mean?"
"Lina, I'm half mazoku, and half dragon. I'm an outcast among the mazoku.
I'm not welcome among dragons. To humans I'm a freak. I'm not human, demon,
or dragon. Not one thing or the other. I don't know where I belong."
"Why don't you travel with Zel and me?"
"You accept me for what I am Lina, but Zel doesn't like me. I don't want
to cause any more friction."
"Ryuuko, I don't just accept you, you're my friend."
"As well as mine. You are welcome to travel with Lina and me."
"Thank you, but no. I have to go alone. We'll meet again. Goodbye
friends." Ryuuko winked, gave a v-for-victory sign and dissappeared.
*Ressuredtion is a spell (white magic) that can bring people back from the
dead. Sipheil is good at this.
**L-sama- the ultamate being in the slayers universe
***Ya know how anime chars have light reflected in their eyes a lot? Well
sometimes if they loose all their power or are under mind control or evil or
something there won't be any of that light. Lina had lost all her power she
was dead.
****LoN can talk through Lina. right now, she's possessed.
*****Yare yare another of Xellos's choice phrases. It just means well well.
******Baka I believe I may have already expalined this but anyways, it means
idiot or stupid or silly. Idiot in this case.<
Well that was it. I left it open for a sequel (people run screaming for
the hills). Send me comments, praise, flames (peeps always add this at the
end of their fics i don't know why I dont want flames, but if it was that bad
go ahead.)
Ja tomodachi!
Aoi Ryuu