Konnichi'wa tomodachi! Heres part one. Anything starred (*) will be explained at the bottom (for those who might not understand). Spells are in bold caps.(I italicized really major spells- Ruri) Thoughts will be shown as ~...~.Enjoy! :)

DisclaimerAll characters are owned by whomever owns the Slayers, unless it say's they're from another anime/manga, with the exception of Ryuuko Metallium, copywrite 2000 by Aoi Ryuu.
"It's just around this corner. We're almost there."
"Is this really necessary?"
The first speaker didn't have to reply verbally;the look she gave him spoke for her.~Yes,was that question really necessary?~
Zelgadis chuckled softly. He didn't really mind being there. Lina was there so he was content. He always felt more relaxed around her. She treated him just like her other friends, and didn't make him feel like a freak.
"This is it?" The red-headed sorceress looked around, clearly dissapointed. They had reached their destination, a small stone cavern. The limited lighting came from a hole in the side of the cavern. Odd hieroglyphs were carved into the walls. In the center of the cavern, on a large boulder, was a dusty old book, the reason for their little excursion.
Zelgadis sensed a vague feeling of magic in the air. He remained alert as he went to examine the hieroglyphs, while Lina headed towards the book. With the super-human speed granted him by his chimeric form, he would be able to reach her in a fraction of a second if anything happened. Something did, but it wasn't what he expected. A new voice came from the shadowed corner, not three feet away from him.
"I wouldn't let Lina do that if I were you." Zelgadis turned towards Lina. If she was in trouble, the voice could wait. Lina picked up the book and a bright flash filled the cavern. Zelgadis blinked. ~That was a spell, but nothing ha-~
"Zel! I can't move! It was a paralyzation spell!" Zelgadis realized that he couldn't move either. The voice from the shadows chuckled. Zelgadis could see soft blue light gather in the corner. He braced himself for an attack, it came, but not from the voice and not at him.
"ZEL!" A trapdoor was opening in the roof of the cave over Lina. Concealed behind it as a huge spiked ball of rock.When it fell it would crush her, and there was nothing either one could do. The boulder fell.
A blue and silver blur passed over Lina and connected with the boulder, sending it flying over to land near the entrance.
"I did try to warn you, Zely." Zelgadis was too busy thanking the gods to worry about how the voice addressed him. The paralyzation spell wore off and Zelgadis was beside Lina in a fraction of a second.
"Are you okay?" "Of course she's okay. When I do something, I do it right. I don't make mistakes."
Lina and zelgadis looked towards the voice. A medium sized dragon with cobalt scales sat staring at them. It had silver claws, and three silver horns on its head. Around its neck was a silver band with a pearl in the center. It had long brown hair, pulled into a loose braid, hanging down over one shoulder. Its wings were such a dark blue that they looked almost black.
The dragon shifted, and the same soft blue light Zelgadis had seen earlier filled the cave. The light began to dwindle, and when it dissappeared there was a girl standing where the dragon had just been.
The girl wore a blue dress, going down to the ground.It had a low neckline, with a pearl in the center. Slightly poofed off-the-shoulder sleeves with small ruffles at the top and bottom went nearly to her elbow. A doubble strand of pearls were around her neck, and she wore a braid in her hair over one shoulder, just like the dragon.
"A dragon maiden." "You have a firm grasp of the obvious, Zely." The dragon maiden laughed.
"Stop calling me that."
The dragon maiden had been standing in the shadows, so they hadn't been able to see her eyes clearly. Now she stepped into the light, a slight smile on her face. Her slitted purple eyes glinted.
"Make me," she paused, then, as if making a point, or daring them to contradict her,"Zely."
Zelgadis remained quiet, not even trying to hide the shock on his face. Lina spoke for both of them.
"A mazoku dragon maiden? How...I thought dragons and mazoku hated each other."
"Usually they do," the mazoku dragon maiden dissappeared then reappeared behind them. "My parents are the exception. She dissappeared and reappeared again, only this time ended up floating in mid-air a few feet away. "You may not know much about me, but I know all about you, Lina Inverse and Zelgadis Greywers. Zely."
"WHO ARE YOU?" Lina shouted.
"Hmmm...who am I?" She tapped her chin and looked for all the world like she was trying to answer a slightly difficult question. Her sarcasm, however, told them differently. "Sore wa himitsu desu!*" She winked and dissappeared. There was along pause, then Zelgadis grabbed Lina's arm.
"Let's go."
"We need to get back to the others.We don't know anything about her, but I'm sure she knows about Gourry and Sipheil**."
"You're right, Zel. We should hurry. RAY WING!" Zelgadis cast ray wing himself and flew after Lina back to the town.
*It's a secret (that is the literal meaning) Xellos said this a lot, which is why Zel and Lina are surprised. **Gourry (gow-re) is an extremely dumb blond guy and Sipheil (see-fee-ull) is this girl with a really big crush on him.

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