Konnichi'wa minna! Part 2! As before ~...~ indicates thought, spells will be
all caps, and anything starred (*) will be explained at the bottom.
"So...what's her name again?" The slayers gang, except for Gourry,
"Gourry you moron!!!! This is the fith time I've explained it!!" Gourry
shrank away from Lina, who had suddenly developed fangs. "She is part mazoku
and part dragon maiden. We don't know anything about her, but she knows
aboout us."
Gourry, being as dumb as he was, didn't realize the extent of bodily harm
Lina could inflict on him and asked another question. "So, what's the
"Stupid jellyfish-for-brains!!!" Lina whacked him. "If that'd been her
she might've thrown some spell at you that you wouldn't have survived instead
of just whacking you!!!"
"You're probably right Lina, except I don't have as short a temper as you
Lina nearly fell out of her chair. "You!"
The mazoku dragon maiden laughed. "Yes, I decided that it was time to
introduce myself. I am Ryuuko Metallium. Half mazoku, half dragon maiden.
Master of black, white, and shamanist magics. Daughter of the infamous Xellos
Metallium. The Trickster Priestess, if you will."
"Ryuuko Metall- XELLOS!?!"
"You called?"
"Whaaaa!?!" This time Lina did fall out of her chair, due to the faact
that Xellos had just materialized behind her. Zelgadis stood up quickly and
drew his sword. He had never liked the annoying mazoku.
"It's nice to see you too, Zel," the mazoku said with his usual cherry
grin. "Don't worry, no harm done."
"What the-" Lina was hovering in the air over her chair, undoubtedly the
Trickster Priest's doing. "Xellos! You twisted freak! Let me down! You-" The
stream of curses, profanities, and general verbal abuse that everyone knew
was comming was abrubtly cut off. Lina's mouth continued to move, but no
sound came out. Xellos stopped the levitation spell, and she dropped into her
chair. Lina turned bright red, and continued to try to yell at Xellos. The
mazoku clicked his tounge. Apparently he could read lips.
"Really Lina, such language!" He let her continue on like that for a
little while longer, then undid the spell.
"-oughtta wipe that $@%# smile off your face!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Xellos and Ryuuko burst out laughing. Lina blushed, and the others
Really Xel, dear, that wasn't very nice." Lina turned around.
"Yup. Hello everyone.I see you've met my daughter Ryuuko." The entire
group, minus Gourry, who was too dumb to understand, fell out of their
"I'll say," muttered Zelgadis. Sipheil offered the Metallium family
seats, and they all sat down to talk. Lina decide that now would be a good
time to embarass Xellos.
"Hey, Ryuuko, did your parents ever tell you about how Xellos used to
dress in drag?"
"You mean like this,Lina?"
Xellos was wearing a red dress with gold trim. It had a high collar, and
the top was tight, showing off a bust bigger than Lina's. The skirt part went
down just past his knees, and had a slit in one side just higher than
mid-thigh.He wore red heels, lipstick, and nailpolish.He held a purple fan
with ruffeldy feather stuff on top, and had two thin gold bracelets around
one wrist.
"I feel pretty! Am I pretty Zel? I make a prettier girl than Lina!" Filia
broke in before Lina dragon slaved* her husband.
"Cut that out, you fruitcake! You're scaring people!"
"But don't you think I'm pretty?"Filia decided that the best thing for
everyone would be if Xellos took a nap. She took out her mace and whacked him
on the head, knocking him out cold.
"Hey Filia, why'd you kill him?"
"Gourry you moron! He's not dead! He's a mazoku! He'll be fine!" Gourry
decided that the best thing for him to do would be to keep quiet until Lina
was in a better mood.
"In answer to your question Lina, yes, they did." Ryuuko grinned.
After dinner the group, except Xellos who was still 'napping', decided to
relax in the hotsprings behind the inn. They changed into their bathing suits
and hopped in to relax. Lina chose a seat near the side and looked up at
Zelgadis, still in his usual off-white outfit.
"Hey Zel! Why don't you change and come on in?" Zelgadis looked away.
"Awwww come on! It's not like anyone makes fun of your figure." Lina frowned,
then her face regained its cheerful smile. "Tell you what Zel. There's a
little spring on the other side of this hedge. You change, and I'll meet you
there. It'll be just you and me, you won't have to worry about people making
fun of you."
"I don't-"
"Pleeeeeeeeeeeese?" Lina looked up at him. Her ruby eyes sparkled, and
she smiled.
~Oh gods,~ Zelgadis thought. ~She's making that face again. I can't think
when she does that~ "Uh-huh."
Lina clapped in delight. "Great! Go change, and I'll meet you there!"
Lina hopped out of the water, and headed towards the other spring.
"How does she do that to me?"
Ryuuko had been listening. ~Sounds like i get a chance to play
matchmaker. Zely obviously likes Lina. I just have to get them together so
they'll realize it. Easier said than done. Zely's not gonna go out in a
swimsuit, even if it's just in front of Lina. I can sense his emotions, he's
really self-conscious and embarrassed. He needs a distraction.~ Ryuuko
suddenly grinned and dissappeared.
Zelgadis looked at himself in the mirror. ~I can't go out there like
this. I'll just tell Lina that I don't have swimtrunks.~ He picked up his
clothes to change back, only to drop them when he heard a scream.
"Lina!" Frogetting to be embarrassed about his monstrous
appearence,Zelgadis raced out of the changing room. He heard another scream.
~Why is she afraid? She's the most powerful sorceress in the world. How could
something affect her like this?~ Zelgadis rounded a corner, and got his
Lina was terrified. She was backed up against a wall, desperatly trying
to put more space between herself and...a slug***? True it was a very large
slug, almost three feet long, but this was Lina Inverse, Lina the bandit
killer, Lina the Dragon Spooker****. She was afraid of a slug? Zelgadis
Zelgadis no longer found the situation funny. ~She's really afraid. Her
greatest fear is...a slug?~
"FIREBALL!" Zelgadis toasted the slug, then, to avoid any fires, cast ray
wing, sending it flying into a nearby lake.
Zelgadis was knocked backwards as a force collided with his stomach. He
felt something warm wrap around his waist, and he looked down. Zelgadis
blushed. Lina was hugging him, not seeming to care about his appearence.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" Zelgadis realized she was trembling,
and hesitantly returned the hug.
"It's all right, Lina. I got rid of the slug. C'mon, you need to relax."
The pair walked over to relax in the hotspring.
"Perfect!" Ryuuko smiled. "Of course it was. I don't make mistakes."
* Filia She is a dragon maiden priestess. She keeps a mace hidden under her
**Anime characters sweatdrop or fall down when someone says something dumb,
or they feel embarrassed or surprised. They were surprised because Xellos had
murdered dozens of her race of dragons.
***There are two things that scare Lina Inverse, one, her older sister Luna,
and two, slugs. Don't ask me why, they just scare her.
****In the series Lina is called the Dragon Spooker occasionl, which means
that dragons walk by out of sheer revulsion. She is also called the Dragon
Nester. A bandit told her about a poem/rhyme/song-thing: Little girl little
breasts Scares the dragon from its nest.
That's all for now. Expect part three tomorrow. Be afraid, be very afraid. Next Page