Kay, minna, part 3 like I promised.
"Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiina." Lina groaned and pulled the covers closer. She
didn't want to wake up yet. "Liiiina, waaaake up."
"Go away, Ryuuko."
Ryuuko grinned. ~Time for some fun!~ "Okay, Lina, I warned you." Ryuuko
put something on Lina's shoulder, and covered her ears.
"Wha..." Lina's eyes grew wide as she saw what Ryuuko had put on her
shoulder. "SLUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lina's scream shook the inn.
The scene that greeted the slayers gang as they opened the door to Lina's
room was not what they expected. Ryuuko was floating in mid-air, nearly
laughing her head off. Lina was frantically trying to rid herself of a
six-inch slug, currently wrapped around her arm.
ltgetitoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The gang watched as Zelgadis quickly walked
over to Lina. "Zelit'sasluggetitoff!!! I'mgonnakillyou!!!!"The last comment
had been directed to Ryuuko, who was still laughing as if it was the funniest
thing she had ever seen.
"Lina, hold still so I can get it off." Zelgadis pulled the slug off
Lina's arm and threw it at Ryuuko. Still laughing, Ryuuko glared at the slug,
causing it to burst into flames and disentegrate in mid-air. Zelgadis picked
up a corner of his cape, and began to wipe the slug slime off Lina's arm.
"Ryuuko, what have I told you about playing tricks?" Xellos had
materialized in the air beside his daughter. "Inform me first, so I can help."
"Sorry (laughter) father. I just wanted (more laughter) to do it (fit of
giggling) myself. I have my (giggle) reasons." Ryuuko went back to laughing.
"Sore wa himitsu desu!" Ryuuko winked and dissappeared.
Lina tensed and gritted her teeth. She was MAD!!! {Author's note: This is
a very bad thing, considering she knows spells that can destroy the entire
world, plus smaller spells that would simply destroy a town, the latter
without breaking a sweat.} Zelgadis decided that it would be a good idea to
calm her down, before she Dragon Slaved the town.
"Lina, calm down. It's almost noon. Why don't we get some lunch?"
I am not eating at the same table as that Trickster Priestess."
"Okay,why don't we pack up some food then and go on a picnic? Anyone else
wanna come?" Lina had calmed down a great deal, but no one else wanted to
take the chance that she might get mad again while they were around. They
shook their heads, and made their escape while they still could. "Guess it's
just you and me then, Lina."
Zelgadis and Lina packed up some food and headed towards the woods, to
find a nice place to have lunch. After a while they came upon a clearing with
a small lake in the center. They sat down near the lake to enjoy their meal.
They hadn't noticed that Ryuuko had followed them.
~Why didn't Lina use her magic to get rid of the slug herself this
morning? I'm sure she knows some spells that would have worked well. She's an
incredibly powerful sorceress. What could've stopped-~ Ryuuko grinned. ~Oh, I
know why. That gives me an idea. All this situation needs is a few trolls,
and since Lina can't use her magic...~ Ryuuko giggled. ~This is gonna be fun!
Let's see, I need a summoning spell for trolls. Right.~ "Cousins of my demon
race, come and do my bidding." Six trolls appeared. Two wielded swords, one
had a mace, and the others had clubs. "See those people? Go rob them, BUT, do
not kill them. Understand? Good, then go." Ryuuko moved to a spot high in a
tree to watch the fun. "This should be inter-huh? What? It's a strange aura.
What is it, and where's it coming from?" Ryuuko focused on the aura, barely
aware that her trolls had found Lina and Zelgadis. "What is this power? It
feels familiar, but- oh-no. L-sama help us all." Ryuuko gasped and cursed.
"Lina and Zelgadis! Those trolls are gonna be outta controll!" Ryuuko
dissappeared, then reappeared seconds later near the battle between Zelgadis
and Lina, and her trolls.
There were four trolls left when Ryuuko got there. Lina had her sword
drawn, and was fighting one troll with a sword, and one who had apparently
lost his weapon. the second troll grabbed her from behind, and the first
raised its sword to finish her.
"Hold on, Lina! I'm coming! RA TILT!!" One of Zelgadis's trolls had
disentegrated after being hit with his attack, but the other still remained,
keeping him from reaching Lina. it was suddenly destroyed by a blast of
"Help Lina! NOW!"
~Something is seriously wrong. I'll worry about it later though.~
Zelgadis ran over to help Lina with her battle.
Just as the sword wielding troll was chopping down with his weapon,
Zelgadis killed the unarmed troll with a Freeze Arrow. Lina tried to dodge
the sword, but it was too late to keep it from hitting her. The blow hadd
left a large gash in her side. Zelgadis knelt to help her, but the last troll
charged forward, sword set to impale. A blast of magic from Ryuuko took care
of him.
"Come on, hurry."
"Ryuuko, what-"
"Not now! We've got to get back to the others. Come!"
Ryuuko teleported
back to the inn as Zelgadis picked Lina up.
"Wha?!? Zel-"
Lina, we need to get back. You can't use your magic to fly or heal
yourself, but I can do both."
Lina nodded. ~Zel's right. Ryuuko was really worried.~
"Good. RAY WING!" Zelgadis flew off, praying to L-sama that he had enough
magic to heal Lina and fly back to town.
*L-sama is what they sometimes call the Lord of Nightmares. She is extremely
powerful. Okay ummm... there are different ranks among mazoku and such.
Xellos is a high ranking mazoku, but he works for Beastmaster Zelas. Zelas
is one of the five highest ranking mazoku, like Chaotic Blue, Lord Dark Star
(I think), Phibrizio, and I believe Deep Sea Dolphin is one, though I'm not
sure. Anyways, L-sama ranks above them all. She's like the ultamite power or
somethin'. Lina is the only person in the world who can use a spell to draw
power from her, without dying and turning the world into a sea of chaos.
Does anyone want to know why Lina can't use her magic? SORE WA HIMITSU
DESU!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure Ruri-chan can figure it out. She watched some of the
eps. with me. If you can't it should be in the next chapter. Next Page