Run! Run while you still can! It's part 4! The horror! The horror! I would like to give special thanks to Ruri-chan who will be posting my fic in her fan fic library. I might send you a few others to look at, Ruri-chan. If you like them you can post them too. If not, then just don't worry about it. Kay here it is (you get to find out why Lina couldn't use her powers).

It had taken them a while, but they were back at the inn. Zelgadis landed just outside, and let Lina stand up. He had finished the healing on the way, and she was now as good as new. "Thanks Zel!" Lina winked and did a quick v-for-victory sign* before entering the inn.
Gourry, Sipheil, and the Metallium family were seated around a table in the corner. Sipheil, Filia, and Xellos looked worried. That in itself was troubling. Xellos rarely showed any emotion besides his trickster personality. When he showed any other emotion it usually meant trouble. Ryuuko looked frustrated. Gourry, as usual, just looked confused. "Okay Ryuuko, we're here. What new earth-threatening demon do I get to destroy now?" Ryuuko looked up at Lina with cold amethyst eyes.
"Not funny, Lina. This is dead serious."
"Well, are you gonna tell us about it or not?"
"It's Phibrizio's sister."
"Phibrizio's..." started Zelgadis.
"Sister?" finished Lina. Ryuuko almost laughed at their reaction, but quickly remembered the seriousness of the situation. "So are you gonna explain?"
Ryuuko glared at Lina. "I can sense Chaos Demon-yes, that's her name-and I know some about her, but father knows more. It would be better if he told you."
"Right. Well as you all know, I was once in the service of Beastmaster Zelas. Being her number one priest/minion, I met a few other high ranking demons. Deep Sea Dolphin, Phibrizio, Chaotic Blue-his servants make the best tea, you know. It's peppermint with-"
"Not now you fruitcake!" Filia had her mace out ready to bash Xellos. Her husband sweatdropped, and quickly got back to the topic on hand.
"Okay, okay! Anyways, during one of my visits with Zelas to see Phibrizio, he told us about his sister Chaos Demon. It seems that she's an extremly powerful mazoku, with extensive knowlege of black magic, and controll over berserkers**, trolls, and other creatures of that nature. Her power comes from chaos, and she uses her minions to create it, by having them attack humans and just run around causing mayhem." Everyone was silent for a moment considering this, except Gourry, who was still wondering why they were sitting there. "Now as I was saying, it's peppermint with honey and-" His babbling was abruptly cut off when Filia whacked him with her mace.
"What?!? I warned him!" The others looked away before she decided to use her mace on them too.
"Father didn't finish." The slayers gang turned expectantly towards Ryuuko. "Chaos Demon is...well...immortal."
"But then how-"
"I said immortal, not invincible. She was trapped long ago. A volcano erupted, and she was buried in the lava. We must seal her up in the earth again, or she will turn this world into a sea of chaos."
"Can it wait a coupple days? It's kinda that time of the month.***"
Gourry looked at Lina. "I still don't know what that means." The group groaned and sweatdropped.
"Okay, so Chaos Demon can't be killed, only trapped, and we hafta do it."
"Yes, as long as she is trapped she cannot exercise her full power over her creatures. That's why those trolls tried to kill you. Originally they were simply going to rob you, but when Chaos Demon escaped-"
"Wait, how do you know so much about hte trolls that attacked Zel and me?"
"Ummm...weshouldstarttravelingtomorrowI'mgoingtogetsomerest. Sorewahimitsudesu!Goodnight!" Ryuuko dissappeared.
"Well...that was a little...wierd."
Zelgadis snorted. "I wanna know what that annoying little half-breed is up to. I'm pretty sure that she created that giant slug the other night. Though if she did it for fun then why wasn't she there?I'm also fairly sure that she summoned those trolls. Although why she did it is beyond me."
Zelgadis mumbeled something else but all Lina heard was something about 'troublesome half-breeds' and 'almost as bad as her father'.
Lina yawned. "Well, I'm going to bed."
That's probably a good idea. Before I healed you, you lost a fair amount af blood. Get some rest."
Lina smiled. "Goodnight guys. Thanks again Zel."
"You're welcome Lina!" Xellos had woken up.
"Not you, fruitcake! I was talking to Zelgadis! You didn't do anything!"
"Oh? What did I miss?" The others left. Lina was tired and probably grumpy,and Xellos was in an especially goofy mood. They didn't want to be around if Lina lost her temper. Even without magic, she was a force to be reckoned with.
"Zelgadis, if I left you alone to explain to him, do you think you could keep the noise and bloodshed down?" Zelgadis raised an eyebrow. "I know you two don't like each other at al-"
"I like Zel, Lina!" Xellos smiled at Zelgadis.
"Ummm... no. You'd wake up and one, if not both, of us would be dead."
"Okay, fine. Xel, I'll explain in the morning. Zel goodnight. Try not to kill each other." Lina went upstairs to her room. Almost as soon as she laid down she was asleep, having a wonderful dream.

*Berserkers are these zombie looking things that attacked Lina and Gourry in like the third episode I think. **(Holds up two fingers) Victory!!!!!!!!! It's an anime thing. Lina does it, Amelia does it, even Zelgadis does it in the theme song (remember Ruri-chan? ;) ) ***This is why Lina lost her powers. Sorceresses can't use magic, except maybe a weak light spell during that time of the month. Next is the dream, with a buncha characters from other anime in it. It's a bit different. Another part of Ryuuko's personality is revealed. Lots of talking. Well, there hasn't been all that much action yet anyways. Don't worry it's coming. I have to put Ryuuko's spell in there somewhere. and the Giga Slave too. Ja minna!

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