Konnichi'wa tomodachi! Many anime refrences. If you know who all of them are either tell me or seek professional help. Smaller typing indicates mumbling. (actually, it doesn't, cuz my email doesn't support html and i didn't know when it was smaller- Ruri)

Lina smiled in her sleep. She was having a wonderful dream. She was at a party, and all her friends were there, and a bunch of other people too. A girl wearing a fringed pink outfit and a large pink hat carried around a strange green creature. A boy with sky blue eyes, one covered with sandy blond hair was talking to a girl with her long blond hair done up in what looked like meatballs with the rest hanging down to her knees. Another girl was walking around muttering 'baka baka minna baka'. A young man with long hair, fangs, dog ears, and golden eyes stood in the corner frowning. A boy with long braided brown hair ran over towards a giant robot thing as a girl with blue hair stood petting a dragon.
Lina realized something else was different. She squealed in delight when she realized what it was. She was taller and had developed more curves, including a larger bust.Suddenly all the people except one dissappeared.
"Ryuuko! What did you do to all those people?"
Ryuuko looked at her. "Nothing, this is a dream. Your dream to be exact."
"You're in my dream!?" ~Hey, something's wrong. There's something different about her.~
"I'm part mazoku, remember?" Lina thought she detected a hint of sadness in her voice. "Father taught me how to do this." Ryuuko looked at Lina. The red-headed sorceress could see sadness in her eyes. Her eyes! Her gray-blue, no longer slitted eyes.
"Ryuuko, what did you do to your eyes?"
Ryuuko looked down. "I changed them. People can appear differently in the dreamscape if they wish."
"But why?"
"For the same reason you changed your figure. I hate them. At first glance I'm no different that you or Sipheil, but when people see my eyes, they know I'm not human. I'm a freak. Not quite one thing or the other... I'm forgetting why I'm here. I need to talk to you Lina."
"'Bout what?"
"The slugs, the trolls, you, Zel."
"What about me and Zel?"
"That's mainly why I'm here. I didn't want to tell you before the battle, I didn't want it to distract you, but I need to have at least one person around to trust me." ~If not accept me.~ "Have you noticed that Zel laughs around you and no one else? How he is willing to do things for you that he wouldn't do for anything else? How protective he is of you?"
"What do you mean he's protective of me? Zel's just...a good friend."
"Remember what he did when father popped in?"
"Yeah, but that doesn't prove anything. He hates Xellos."
"No Lina. He wasn't going to move, but father knocked you out of your seat. That's why he threatened him."
"What are you getting at?"
"You really don't get it do you? Zel loves you."
"What!?! Uh w-what did you want to say about the trolls and slugs?" Lina tried to change the subject, but Ryuuko noticed.
"Nice try, Lina. They tie into this." Lina paled. "Do you really think Zel was gonna come out in a swimsuit, even if it was just in front of you? He was gonna change back, but he thought you were in trouble and left. i knew you couldn't use your magic when I sent those trolls. I thought if you saw how Prince Charming out there," Ryuuko made a vague motion indicating the real world,"was trying to save you, you'd realize that you like him too, and you'd get together." Lina wasn't sure what to say. Ryuuko blinked, and concentrated on something. "Listen, I've gotta go. Think about what I said. Pay attention to how Zel acts around you."
"Why do you have to leave all of a sudden?"
"Do you want Zel here too? He's starting to enter the Astral Plane. He'll be able to sense your energy there, and he'll know something's wrong if I'm still in your dream."
"Oh." Ryuuko began to fade. Her eyes turned back to purple as she re-entered the real world. Lina smiled. "Thanks Ryuuko."
"Thank you, Lina." Then she was gone.

Kay did you recognise any characters? Well here are their names and series. Mimi-Digimon Sage-Ronin Warriors Serena-Sailor Moon Ruri-Alien Successor Nadesco (Zat right, Ruri-chan?)(Nonono! it's Martian Successor Nadesico) Inu-Yasha-ummm... well...Inu-Yasha (actually, that's a manga ref.) Duo-Gundam Wing Umi Ryuuzaki-Magic Knight Rayearth I would have identified Slayers characters, but it's a Slayers fic! Ruri-chan yur gonna really like the next chapter. Amelia dies! (Holds up two fingers) VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't use any of the ways we sent in to that list, but, hey she dies, who cares how? She does kinda give one of her little justice speeches. (ducks away from various pointy implements suddenly tossed her way) It's not that long jeez! Koala! Ja tomodachi!

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