Konnichi'wa tomodachi. Kay here is the chapter you've been looking
forward to. The death of Amelia! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Despite the rather loud and annoying commotion coming from Lina and
Gourry as they fought over food, it still took a while for Ryuuko to wake up.
Visiting other people's dreams took a lot of concentration and energy. Ryuuko
was still tired from her little chat with Lina.Ryuuko reluctantly got up and
used her magic to instantly switch her nightgown for her usual blue dress and
braid. She looked in the mirror to check her hair and frowned. This outfit
wouldn't do. They were traveling today. She needed to wear something
sensible. In the blink of an eye she was dressed in a blue turtleneck with
baggy blue pants and a black belt. Hanging from the belt was a small leather
pouch. She wore soft ankle height leather boots. She added a black cloak with
purple edging decorated with blue rectangles. As a final touch she added a
pearl clasp holding the cloak together in the front. "Much better."
Ryuuko walked downstairs to join the others for breakfast. Lina smiled,
then went back to shoveling food into her mouth like there was no tomorrow.
Ryuuko decided to join Zelgadis-currently drinking his usual coffee* and
trying to ignore the chaos and occasional curses when a hand got in the
way-on the other side of the table.
"Hi Zely." Zelgadis simply glared at her and went back to his coffee.
"Not a morning person, huh? Oh well." Ryuuko picked up his coffee pot,
paused, and proceeded to pour tea into her mug.
"What the-"
"Transformation spell. I don't like coffee, but I am quite fond of
peppermint tea."
Zelgadis sighed. ~It's gonna ba a long trip.~
The group left the inn after breakfast. They took a well-marked trail
through the woods, heading towards the coast. From there they would continue
to Dragonfire Mountain, tha volcano where Chaos Demon had been buried. On the
way they worked on a battle plan for when they arrived.
"Can't I just Dragon Slave it?"
"No, that won't stop her. I doubt it would even slow her down. This
should work. Mom, dad, and Sipheil will throw smaller spells at her to
distract her while you and I get ready. You can Giga Slave her using Gourry's
sword** and I can blast her with my spell and-"
"Your spell?"
Ryuuko grinned. "My spell. It's a special spell I created just for me.
It's about as powerful as the Giga Slave, but requires less magic from
myself. I could probably use it three times before needing to rest."
Lina gave a low whistle."Impressive."
"Very." Added Zelgadis raising an eyebrow.
"Thank you. Anyways, after Lina and I blast it, Zely here needs to cast
his Flare Howl. Make it strong Zely. We're gonna need lotsa lava." Suddenly a
figure jumped out of the bushes, and landed on its face. It quickly righted
itself and the group recognized it. Amelia***.
"Hi Miss Lina! Hi Mister Zelgadis!" The little justice loving princess
rushed over to Zelgadis and latched on to his arm. The chimera immediatly
tried to rid himself of the little leech. Xellos and Ryuuko started laughing
as crowbars, jackhammers, even blowtorches failed to remove Amelia from
Zelgadis's arm. Zelgadis was not in the best of moods. First Amiela showed
up, and now those two mazoku-Zelgadis smiled.
"Amelia, you haven't met Ryuuko yet have you?"
Lina immediatly caught on to what Zelgadis was thinking. "Zel! Don't!"
Ignoring Lina, he continued. "She's here with her father, Xellos. They're
"Mazoku!?! Mazoku are evil! I, Princess Amelia wil tesla Seyruun, must
triumph over all evil! In the name of justice end your evil ways-"
"Nooooooooooooo! Look what you've done! Baka baka baka!!! She's in
justice speech mode! Someone make her stop! Someone please make her stop!"
"-because being evil is wrong! Justice shall triumph-"
"STONE SPIKER*****!" Ryuuko and Zelgadis loosed their attacks on Amelia.
She was impaled on Zelgadis's Stone Spiker, then sliced to ribbons by
Ryuuko's attack. The slayers gang (along with a bunch of Amelia haters)
*Zelgadis doesn't need to eat as much as a human does, so he usually ends up
drinking coffee.
**Gourry is the owner of the legendary Hikari no ken or the Sword of Light.
It can be used in place of magic to slay lesser demons, or can be used to
boost Lina's Giga Slave attack.
***Amelia. Jeez, okay combine the primping and posing Sailor Moon chars do
before attacks with that guy's obsession for making entrances from tall
objects with an over-ambitious girl with absolutely no coordination, and
double the length and cheeziness of the speeches. Now you understand why I
killed her. (Many peeps are pretty sure that she has a crush on poor Zelgadis
****Dragon's Claw- a spell I made up for Ryuuko. Three blades of cobalt blue
magic fly out at the target.
*****Stone Spiker- One of Zelgadis's spells. The full version of it is
Infinite earth
Mother who nurtures all life
Let your power gather in my hand!
(a ball of energy has formed in his hand, which he slams to the ground)
It causes spikes of rock to erupt from the ground all around him, impaling
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