Konnichi'wa tomodachi. (Holds up two fingers) VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finished writing the story!(This isn't the last part, though.She has to type it up.-Ruri) Yaaaay! Couple mistakes: I sent out part 6 as part 5 and I made a mistake in regards to an anime. The correct title was Martian Successor Nadesico not Alien Successor Nadesco

For the next couple of days the gang continued through the woods. Lina's magic began to come back, unfortunatly for Gourry, who she used as target practice. Ryuuko and Xellos constantly popped in and out, trying to keep any trolls in the area from causing too much chaos. Finally they reached the sea.
"Okay, that's it. That peak out there is Dragonfire Mountain. Mother and I are going to shift to dragon shape and fly you over. Lina, you and Zely need to conserve your magic. I'll take you and Zely. Gourry and Sipheil will go with mother."
"Great." Zelgadis's comment was almost too quiet for Lina to hear.
"Okay. Come on Gourry dear." Ryuuko stared at Sipheil, then turned to Lina.
"Does she always call him that?"
"Yup. Don't ask. I don't know why either." Filia and Ryuuko shifted to dragon shape. Their respective passengers climbed on and they flew off, Xellos floating between them.
They reached the island, and Filia and Ryuuko landed on the white sand of the beach. They shifted back to human form and Ryuuko turned to Lina. "Lina, can you manage a Dragon Slave?"
"Well, I don't know if I could Giga Slave anything yet, but I think I could pull off a Dragon Slave."
"Good. there's your target." Ryuuko pointed to a hoard of trolls and berserkers heading towards them.
Lina stepped forward and cracked her knuckles, grinning. She began to chant. "Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows. In thy great name I pledge to conquer all the foes who stand Against the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand. DRAGON SLAVE!" The ball of magic in Lina's hand that had been increasing in size and power shot forth to hit the oncoming creatures. An enormous explosion ensued, which left a crater the size of Saiirag* in its wake. Lina gave her trademark grin and v-for-victory sign then turned and started walking.
"C'mon. We've got bigger fish to fry."
"Welcome to my island, Miss Inverse." Lina turned to the side. "Chaos Demon."
The mazoku smirked. "You bet. And more than a match for you, mortal."
"We'll just see about that."

*Saiirag is the town Amelia came from. It's really big. Ja tomodachi!

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