Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Spring break!

Chaos Demon had finally appeared, and Lina was a bit dissapointed. She had expected an enormus, hideous creature worse than Shabranigdo. What she got was something that looked like a ten-year-old kid. Chaos Demon looked almost exactly like Phibrizio. Well, the colors were all mismatched. She had black hair that shone green in the sun. Her orange slitted eyes glinted. Her outfit was green, purple, and yellow with red edges, and her pale skin was tinted light blue. Gourry stepped forward. "Hello little girl. Are you lost? You'd better stick with us. There's a big ugly monster running around here somewhere."
The 'little girl' opened a dimensional rip* and dissappeared into it. Her voice came from all around them.
"'A big ugly monster', huh?" Another dimensional rip appeared. "Like this?" Chaos Demon appeared in the rip. She no longer held the appearence of a ten-year-old kid. She now looked almost exactly like Shabranigdo woud as a rotting corpse. Pieces of demon-flesh fell off with a sickening plop, exposing bone and muscle. Decay was evident and the stench of decomposing flesh and death was almost overpowering.
"What did you do to that little girl?" Gourry pulled out his Sword of Light. "LIGHT COME FORTH*!"
"Gourry you moron! That is the little girl! That little girl is Chaos Demon! Now gimmie that sword and go wait for us to finish it off!"
"Oh, okay." Gourry handed Lina his sword and walked off to watch the battle from the sidelines.
"If we're gonna play, then let's play." Chaos Demon was back to her original form.
"Right. Xellos, Filia, Sipheil go for it!"
The three let loose a massive attack of Flare Arrows, Fire Balls, and Freeze Arrows as Lina began to chant the spell for the Giga Slave. Suddenly a huge clawed hand shot out from the explosions and dust surrounding Chaos Demon. It was made completly of dark energy and was heading straight for Zelgadis. Even his stone skin wouldn't be resistant to the attack.
"ZEL! MOVE!" Ryuuko crashed into Zelgadis, knocking him out of the way. The claw caught her instead. It ripped into her stomach and through her back. It dissappeared, leaving a huge hole through her.
"Ryuuko wha-"
"I'll be fine Zely. I (cough) I'm a mazoku remember? I'll (cough) heal. See? Look?" The wound was healing itself**. "Go help Lina. A wind barrier." I'll help as soon as I can."
Zelgadis nodded and hurried over to Lina to erect a wind barrier to block any attacks. "Zel, is Ryuuko okay?"
"She'll be fine. Giga Slave that thing."
Lina started the chant. "Darkness beyond black of pitch Deeper than the deepest night King of darkness who shines like gold upon the sea of chaos I call upon thee and swear myself to thee Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed By the power you and I posess Sword accept this darkness And obey my command!" "Lina! Wait!" Ryuuko was fully healed. "Let me cast my spell and we'll hit it together!"
"Right! Go for it!"
"Demon's blood in dragon form Great power lies within I call upon my dragon family And my demon kin Give me power to face my foe Help me win this fight A single battle in the eternal struggle Of darkness versus light RYUU MAZOKU BLAST***!" "GIGA SLAVE!****" The attacks converged on Chaos Demon, who had erected a thin shield against the annoying smaller attacks. The explosion was ten times as big as the one that had followed the Dragon Slave. It knocked the slayers gang off their feet. Lina wasn't moving. Her fiery red hair had turned blond.
The clouds and dust cleared after several minutes. Chaos Demon was bent over breathing heavily. She was obviously severly weakened, and definitly injured.
"Lina? LINA! Wake up! Lina!" Zelgadis was by Lina's side, gently shaking her. He shook harder,desperatly trying to wake her up.
"You can't defeat me! I will not loose! Not now!" Chaos Demon's hands became tentacles and shot out towards Lina and Ryuuko. She broke the warding Ryuuko set up and wrapped her tentacle around her waist. Her other arm knocked Zelgadis away from Lina and picked up the still form of the sorceress.
"Zel! Cast your Flare Howl! You've gotta stop her before she heals! Forget us!"
"I-I can't!"
"COWARD!" Ryuuko freed her arms. "DEMONIC FANG*****! RAY WING!" Ryuuko's first attack sliced the tentacle around Lina. The second spell carried her away from the demon. "DO IT ZEL!"
"Infinite earth Mother who nurtures all life Let your power gather in my hand FLARE HOWL!"
Pillars of lava exploded from the ground. The volcano erupted and the lava all converged on the two mazoku, burying them under a ton of molten rock. Ryuuko's spell stopped as she was covered by the lava. Using all the demonic speed he possessed, Zelgadis caught Lina before she hit the ground. "No..." Lina wasn't breathing.

*This is how Gourry calls forth the beam of light that is the blade of his sword. It's a lot like a light saber. **Mazoku have the power to heal them selves quite effectivly after a physical attack. Astral attacks are much more damaging to them. ***Ryuuko's most powerful attack. It collects energy from dragons and mazoku. The energy is collected in her hands as a swirling ball of magic, black and silver from the mazoku, gold from the dragons. The longer she concentrates, the bigger it grows. It could eliminate anything within a 25 mile radius if not used properly. ****If you wanna see tihs spell rent the 3rd Slayers tape where she destroys Shabranigdo. *****Much like Dragon's Claw, only less energy is required. A single blade of white light cuts through the target. Last part next time! Ja tomodachi!

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